Terri Runnels
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terri_Runnels : Terri Lynne Boatright Runnels (born October 5, 2022) is a former World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation professional wrestling manager, and television host. Runnels began her professional wrestling career in World Championship Wrestling as Miss Alexandra York, manager of the York Foundation. After six years, she joined the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), where she worked for another eight years. In the early years of her career with the WWF, she managed her real-life husband Dustin Runnels (known on-screen as Goldust), was a member of the Pretty Mean Sisters alliance, and managed both The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian following the Terri Invitational Tournament in 1999. Subsequently, she had an on-screen rivalry with The Kat, managed an alliance known as The Radicalz, and worked as a host and interviewer. During her time with the WWF, she briefly held the WWE Hardcore Championship. After leaving the wrestling business, Runnels became involved in philanthropic work.
- http://www.myspace.com/theterrirunnels : MySpace.com - Terri Runnels.
- http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/t/terri.html : Online World of Wrestling.
- http://www.theterrirunnels.com/ : The Real Terri Runnels.
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